Learn the names of the 7 days of the week song for children

The 7 Days of the week song for kids.

This song will help kids to learn the names of the seven days of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). The song is repetitive for good practice but it also starts out slow then gets very, very fast to make it a fun challenge for any student. The song is to the tune "Row, Row, Row, Your Boat."
How to use:
Introduce or review the names of the days of the weeks. Tell your students that you want to challenge them to see how fast they can sing it. Show the video and have them sing along! You can turn this into a contest to see who can say all the seven days of the week the fastest.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Other activity ideas:

  • Review the spelling of each day of the week by watching this video where students can chat/rap the letters of the days of the week to practice spelling: 

  • Have a spelling competition. See who can spell the fastest.
  • Show the students a calendar. Point to a day and have everyone say what day it is.
  • Ask the students what they like to do on each day of the week.
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